منزل > مركز الأخبار
  • Are skip bins environmentally friendly?

    2025-01-07 11:14:40
    Skip bins can be considered environmentally friendly when used properly and managed responsibly. Here are a few reasons why skip bins can be beneficial for the environment:
  • How to secure your skip bin to prevent accidents.

    2024-12-31 10:48:38
    Securing your skip bin is crucial to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of workers, pedestrians, and property. Improperly secured skip bins can easily be blown over by strong winds, become a hazard to passing vehicles or pedestrians, or even cause damage to surrounding structures. Here are some tips on how to secure your skip bin effectively:
  • Where can i find durable mild steel bins?

    2024-12-24 11:09:10
    When looking for durable mild steel bins, it's important to consider the specific requirements of your application, such as size, capacity, and any special features needed. It's also a good idea to compare prices and read reviews before making a purchase to ensure you are getting a high-quality product. With these tips in mind, you should be able to find the right mild steel bins for your needs.
  • Is the skip container method the answer to quick and easy organization?

    2024-12-17 10:01:42
    The skip container method, also known as the skip bin method, has gained popularity as a quick and easy way to organize and dispose of items. This method involves using large, open-top containers known as skip bins to collect unwanted items, which are then taken away by a waste management company for proper disposal. While the skip container method may seem like a convenient solution for decluttering and organizing, it is not necessarily the answer to all organization problems.
  • Are mesh containers ideal for organizing and transporting art supplies?

    2024-12-10 10:05:48
    Mesh containers can be a fantastic option for organizing and transporting art supplies. Their lightweight and breathable design make them ideal for storing a variety of different materials, such as paintbrushes, pencils, markers, and paper.
  • Are skip bins environmentally friendly?

    2024-12-03 10:43:19
    Skip bins can be considered environmentally friendly in many ways, although there are also some environmental concerns associated with their use. In general, skip bins are a popular waste management solution that can help divert large amounts of waste from landfills, promote recycling and reduce the carbon footprint associated with waste disposal.
  • Are customized shipping containers the key to streamlined shipping?

    2024-11-26 14:47:27
    Customized shipping containers are indeed a key component in achieving streamlined shipping processes. By tailoring shipping containers to meet specific needs and requirements of various industries, companies can optimize their supply chain operations and increase efficiency in transporting goods.
  • What are the regulations for skip bin placement?

    2024-11-19 15:10:27
    Skip bins are large waste containers that are commonly used for construction, renovation, and clean-up projects. They are usually placed on public or private property, so there are regulations that must be followed to ensure safe and proper placement.
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شركة Hero Equipment (Yangzhou) Co. ، LTD هي مشروع مشترك ومتخصصة في إنتاج وبيع مختلف الحاويات ذات الأغراض الخاصة. تشمل المنتجات الرئيسية العديد من الصناديق الفولاذية (الحاويات) لمجال إعادة تدوير النفايات ، وحاويات المعدات مثل حاويات المولدات المتنقلة ، وحاويات الصوامع ، وما إلى ذلك) ، وحاويات الأغراض الخاصة (حاويات خام ، وحاويات الحبوب ، وحاويات DG ، وما إلى ذلك) ، وما إلى ذلك. على.

تقع الشركة في المدينة الجميلة - مدينة يانغتشو برأس المال المسجل للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. 15 مليون حاليا ، تغطي مساحة 25000 متر مربع بالكامل. تبلغ مساحة ورشة العمل الرئيسية 10000 متر مربع ، ويبلغ إجمالي مساحة المستودع وساحة التكديس والمرافق الإضافية الأخرى حوالي 10000 متر مربع.

المنتجات والمشاريع الرئيسية لمجموعتنا: مواد الهياكل الفولاذية ، المباني الصناعية والتجارية للهيكل الفولاذي ، بناء الحاويات ، المنازل الجاهزة ، الرافعات الجسرية والآلات.

تم تصدير منتجاتنا إلى أستراليا وفيجي واليابان وكوريا والولايات المتحدة وكندا وسنغافورة وأمريكا الجنوبية وأوروبا وأفريقيا ودول ومناطق أخرى. تم استقبال منتجاتنا وشركتنا بشكل جيد وحصلت على سمعة طيبة في جميع أنحاء العالم.

رقم 308 Wang Jiang RD ، مدينة yang Zhou ، 225009 ، مقاطعة Jiang Su